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The ETV ABL fusion has been reported as
The ETV6-ABL1 fusion has been reported as a poor prognostic factor when found in acute leukemia (AML and ALL) and MDS. The prognostic significance of an ETV6/ABL1 chronic myeloproliferative neoplasm is less clear due to the paucity of cases and the lack of controlled clinical trials [5]. There is a
One of the unheralded developments
One of the unheralded developments in global health is the welcome increase in the number of older people (ie, aged 60 or 65 years and older) in low-income and middle-income countries. In parallel with the gains from this longevity dividend, ageing presents particular challenges to health services.
br The Millennium Development Goals on
The Millennium Development Goals on health have expanded access to basic health interventions to millions of people in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, access alone will not be sufficient to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) if health systems cannot provide high
The primary tool in the pharmacological management of
The primary tool in the pharmacological management of PTSD is the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [55,56], but positive response rates are generally limited. In addition, non-pharmacological treatment such as CBT has been shown to be effective for PTSD [57]. Psychological distress
br Reimbursement system The current
Reimbursement system The current reimbursement regulations are in need of an update [26,27]. In 2008, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in the USA approved a revised set of codes developed in collaboration with HRS, the American College of Cardiology, and the American Medical Associa
Of indicators in the Index ten
Of 101 indicators in the Index, ten fulfilled all comparability criteria for the detailed longitudinal analysis, and six core-scored indicators with the highest correlation with overall scores were used for the detailed longitudinal analysis. We made several important observations. First, the crude
The option tested by Berkley and colleagues
The option tested by Berkley and colleagues is the use of prolonged antimicrobial prophylaxis after clinical nutritional recovery. The concept of empirical broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy in high-risk immunocompromised populations is not novel, as there have been decades now of demonstrated ben
En diversos lugares de M xico
En diversos lugares de México, como en Guerrero, el Valle del Mezquital, la región de Actopan, etc., según confirman las publicaciones del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia de la ciudad de México, la creencia de que los huesos de los antepasados se convierten en piedras con propiedades e
In September countries agreed to the
In September, 2015, 193 countries agreed to the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 3, for “healthy lives and wellbeing”, includes targets for universal health coverage (UHC). Some international commentators have raised questions about whether many of the SDGs are feasible and afford
Pero en los a os noventa
Pero en los años noventa, como refere Brito, al inventariarse los resultados de la estrategia de desarrollo y de las reformas adelantadas en la década anterior, es decir ante una revisión “crítica” del “Consenso de Washington”, fue evidente que los costos en términos de inequidad y dualización socia
br Introduction Acute myeloid leukemia
Introduction Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) remains a hematologic malignancy with poor outcome and a high risk for relapse believed to be caused by the survival of leukemic stem cells (LSCs), which are responsible for disease repopulation following treatment [1]. This important implication of LSCs
Cardiac troponin I cTnI is
Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is a well-established, sensitive, and specific marker of myocardial injury. However, evidence indicates that unrecognized myocardial injury may be occurring with certain conditions such as sepsis without acute coronary ischemic event, which demonstrate elevated cTnI levels.
No es xito peque o que
No es éxito pequeño que “bajo la dirección del maestro Stols” (así indica el colofón del libro) se lograse tal parecido con ellas, pero conviene subrayar que Jusep Torres Campalans no es mera mímesis material de la colección Le goût de notre temps sino también, o ante todo, estructural. El Picasso d
La imagen de la Virgen de Caacup junto con sus
La imagen de la Virgen de Caacupé junto con sus celebraciones religiosas y su devoción llegó a la ciudad en 1993 en forma de obsequio de una compatriota paraguaya a la agrupación arpa. A partir de entonces, la colectividad incorporó la práctica religiosa devocional no sólo como uno de los actos más
SCR7 cost br Planteamientos Previos El presente estudio mues
Planteamientos Previos El presente estudio muestra la estrecha relación entre los procesos identitarios y las transformaciones de los contextos migratorios. Centrándose en el caso de los migrantes indígenas de Otavalo (Ecuador) en una de las ciudades del sur de España, la investigación parte de u
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