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The mechanism leading to the
The mechanism leading to the gelatinous transformation may involve inhibition of tyrosine kinase activity by tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) leading to blockage of downstream signal pathways, affecting extracellular matrix deposition, adipocyte differentiation and angiogenesis. Moreover, the catabo
Education is part of the foundation for a successful ASP
Education is part of the foundation for a successful ASP. A well-designed educational program provides prescribers with updated knowledge on antimicrobial use, drug resistance, and infectious disease management. Educational interventions have been shown to improve prescribing competency, change pres
Early repolarization ER is characterized by elevation of the
Early repolarization (ER) is characterized by elevation of the QRS-ST junction (J point) and QRS notching or slurring (J wave) in multiple leads, especially the inferior and/or left precordial leads. Although this finding has been considered to be a benign ECG manifestation, Haïssaguerre et al repor
HOBt Supplier La irrupci n del invierno
La irrupción del invierno en el “lugar que fue nuestro” es un motivo de lamentación melancólica porque estorba la dicha del yo lírico. La llegada de la nueva temporada se expresa con una referencia explícita al comienzo del invierno en el primer verso y una evocación de “las bandadas que emigran”. E
In Grabowski and colleagues report
In , Grabowski and colleagues report that women consistently using DMPA were at nearly double the risk of acquiring herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2) compared with those using no contraception; in a sensitivity analysis limited to those whose main partner had HSV2, the risk increased by six times.
In our study ES SCLC patients in the CIT group
In our study, ES-SCLC patients in the CIT group were on average older than those in the control group. However, the multivariate analysis showed that age had no effect on the prognosis of these patients. Therefore, age was no a confounding factor, although it has been reported that effector cell fun
OSA is a risk factor for
OSA is a risk factor for hypertension and stroke in particular [6,7]. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment reduces deaths and cardiovascular events, and improves hypertension control [8,9]. The role of CPAP therapy on the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia is still limited. Here, we rep
br Introduction Epidemiological studies have shown that vira
Introduction Epidemiological studies have shown that viral infections such as hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) are important factors contributing to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development. Chronic HCV leads to cirrhosis in approximately 20% of patients over a 10–20 year per
The cardiac GP are a collection of autonomic nervous systems
The cardiac GP are a collection of autonomic nervous systems comprising both afferent and efferent as well as sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers [10,11]. Radiofrequency catheter ablation eliminates the most elementary level of vagal innervation by destroying the visceral efferent limb of the par
In addition to inducing IKs dysfunction through dominant
In addition to inducing IKs dysfunction through dominant-negative loss-of-function effects and defective channel trafficking, mutations in KCNQ1 suppress IKs channel function by reducing the channel affinity of interacting proteins [68,69]. Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) is a cofactor
Rate dependent RBBB is not commonly observed during
Rate-dependent RBBB is not commonly observed during routine clinical exercise testing [8]. In the S-ICD, when new RBBB arises, the QRS-T wave morphology recorded by the device may also change. In this case, the R/T wave ratio may decrease to a threshold where the T wave is above the sensing decay cu
La ignorancia que evidencia Xa Am rica po
La ignorancia que evidencia Xa. América poética respecto de los literatos mexicanos corrobora la falta de proximidad entre zonas tan distantes del orbe hispanoamericano. Al mismo tiempo comprueba el vacío biográfico que en este punto muestran las revistas mexicanas o, más exactamente, El Recreo de l
br Point of care diagnostic tests POCTs can enable health
Point-of-care diagnostic tests (POCTs) can enable health-care workers to provide more rapid and effective care to people in low-resource settings. POCTs should ideally meet the WHO\'s ASSURED criteria—ie, being affordable, sensitive, specific, user-friendly, rapid and robust, equipment-free, and d
Al ser verdad lo anterior no lo es
Al ser verdad lo anterior, no lo es menos que la cultura asentada en tiempos coloniales, a diferencia de la que llegó en los primeros tiempos de la conquista, respondía a la relativa ignorancia del mundo clásico en España, sobre todo del griego. Fue el país donde más se leyeron sus autores en traduc
Por su parte Juan Carlos Grijalva titula
Por su parte, Juan Carlos Grijalva titula su artículo “A caballo, por la ruta de los libertadores: el legado mesiánico y elitista de José Vasconcelos en Ecuador”. Grijalva explica que el ensayista mexicano llegó molar concentration formula Ecuador el 17 de junio de 1930 procedente de Colombia, cabal
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