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Si en cada figura novelesca habitan en potencia tantas
Si en cada figura novelesca habitan en potencia tantas identidades como lectores pueda tener, qué decir de un Rimbaud pictórico —la fórmula es de Cassou (1961b: 9)— que se nos ofrece rapsódicamente, descoyuntado, sin ensamblar. Un modelo para armar cuyo formato remite PU-H71 otro de los instrumentos
br India is rapidly becoming
India is rapidly becoming urbanised. By 2030, around 40% of the country\'s population will live in urban areas. The extent to which India\'s health system can provide for this large and growing city-based population will determine the country\'s success in achieving universal health coverage and i
Rabies has no cure and by the
Rabies has no cure, and by the time of clinical onset it is invariably fatal. More than 95% of deaths occur in Africa and Asia, 80% of which are in people living in rural, underserved populations, most of whom are children. Community awareness about the power of preventing dog bites and of life-savi
This population based study demonstrates that interventions
This population-based study demonstrates that interventions must change attitudes regarding violence in the home and society, promote positive parenting practices, and tackle the inequality that allows the normalisation of violence and patriarchal power over women and children. Violence does not occ
Upon diagnosis the patient s lymphoma and HLH
Upon diagnosis, the patient׳s lymphoma and HLH represented a therapeutic dilemma. Effective early therapy reduces mortality of HLH from 95% to 30–35% [4]. The HLH-2004 treatment protocol consists of T-cell targeted immunosupression with dexamethasone and cyclosporine, macrophage targeted etoposide w
Findings Baseline data were collected between Sept and Nov
Findings Baseline data were collected between Sept 6, 2011, and Nov 11, 2012. Between January, 2013, and September, 2014, 62 midwives completed triage training and we collected post-training triage data from Dec 12, 2014, to January 24, 2015. In 2014, compliance of use and correctness of wristbandin
In Fatima Mir and colleagues report
In , Fatima Mir and colleagues report results from the Simplified Antibiotic Therapy Trial (SATT) in Pakistan, in which three antibiotic regimens were compared for treatment of neonatal infections: procaine benzylpenicillin and gentamicin; amoxicillin and gentamicin; and procaine benzylpenicillin, g
In this study SPR AIRS was applied to screen p
In this study, SPR-AIRS was applied to screen p38 ligands from herbal extracts. p38 is an important drug target, which plays a key role in cell proliferation, apoptosis and tumorigenesis [22]. Firstly, recombinant p38 protein was immobilized on SPR chip, the activity and feasibility of the chip was
Ante estas opiniones hay que tomar
Ante estas opiniones, hay que tomar en cuenta que: “investigaciones recientes muestran que los pueblos indígenas han emergido junto mw calculator procesos de revitalización étnica y cultural, que han transformado el escenario sociopolítico y han puesto en tela de juicio las antiguas conceptualizacio
Human p MAPK is stimulated by various
Human p38 MAPK is stimulated by various inflammatory cytokines and cellular stresses [46]. Especially, the p38 MAPK signaling pathway is a crucial modulator of proinflammatory cytokine biosynthesis at the transcriptional and translational levels [46]. Furthermore, studies revealed that p38 MAPK regu
HBeAg positive patients older than years with persistently
HBeAg-positive patients older than 40 years with persistently high or high to normal ALT levels may be diagnosed with significant hepatic necroinflammation or fibrosis. During treatment, the clinical significance of timing of HBeAg loss or seroconversion remains unclear. However, a longer duration o
The mean follow up period
The mean follow-up period was 12 months. ICD discharges and ventricular tachycardia (VT) events were recorded by reviewing Holter, exercise ECG tracings, ICD interrogation reports, and clinic visit notes. Sustained VT was considered as VT with a rate of >100 beats per minute and duration of >30s or
El otro paradigma cuyo alcance y magnitud exige atenci
El otro paradigma cuyo alcance y magnitud exige atención particular es la deconstrucción y todo el giro lingüístico que la precede, un enfoque en muchos sentidos inverso XMD8-92 la colonialidad, aunque no en todos. Sus cauces precursores en América Latina podrían partir de figuras como Irlemar Chiam
Lenalidomide br Discussion CML was the first malignancy to b
Discussion CML was the first malignancy to be linked to a clear genetic abnormality, the Philadelphia chromosome. This chromosomal abnormality is so named because of the city in which it was first discovered and described in 1960 by Peter Nowell and David Hungerford [1]. The fusion protein result
Education is part of the foundation for a successful ASP
Education is part of the foundation for a successful ASP. A well-designed educational program provides prescribers with updated knowledge on antimicrobial use, drug resistance, and infectious disease management. Educational interventions have been shown to improve prescribing competency, change pres
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